How to Create A Strong Password To Beat Hackers

it security strong password

IT Support & SecurityWritten By: Suman Kumar Paul

To perform virtually anything on the internet, from checking your emails to online banking, you need a password.

Although it might be easier to include a short and easy-to-remember password, doing so might cause serious concerns to your internet security.

To secure yourself as well as data, choose passwords that are strong and complex. The password must be difficult for others to guess but simple for you to remember.

Why Do You Need A Strong Password?

At this point you might be wondering, why do you need a strong password? Although most websites are secured nowadays. However, there is always a possibility that someone will try to steal or exploit your personal information. This unethical action is known as Hacking.
A strong password is one of the most effective techniques to protect your accounts and personal details from cybercriminals.

Best Techniques to Create a Perfect Password

We are into IT security solutions to guide you with the best methods to create the strongest passwords.
Here are few effective ways to create strong passwords:

•    Passphrase
It is a technique to use multiple words with a little twist as your password. It includes uncommon words with some proper nouns, words in another language, or anything you like.
“Hacking Uncommon Phrases Is Not That Simple To Exploit.”

•    Sentence
It is one of the simplest techniques to choose random sentences as your password. This practice not only makes your password strong but also simpler for you to remember.
“More Complex Sentences More Secured You Are.”

•    Add Symbols, Numbers, Lower, And Upper Case Alphabets
Placing random symbols and numbers or combining them with the alphabet makes your password stronger. Simple direct words can be easily breached by anyone.
“Juggling With Symbols Can Keep A Hacker Away.”

•    Avoid Re-Using Passwords
Commonly, most of us prefer to reuse old passwords to eliminate password remembering complexity. However, it is the worst approach as email addresses and passwords get breached now and then.
“Keep Your Web Identity Trace Free With a New and Unique Password”

•    Long Passwords
Hackers and their hacking techniques are getting advanced with time. It is very simple for hackers to get access to common passwords. In most cases, cyber attackers prefer to use “Brute Force attacks”.
Well, to secure online accounts you must have a long and complex password. It must contain at least 8 to 16 characters with complexity makes it harder to crack.
“Long Complex Passwords Eliminates Brute-Forcing Attacks”

•    Avoid Common Or Silly Passwords
It is very much obvious that you should never create a password with sequential letters or numbers. Make sure not to use any personal information or details as your password.
Hackers are always in search of accounts with simpler passwords. Most hackers start cracking your passwords with your details.
“Common Password Brings Your Online Security under Threat”

•    Avoid Using Personal Information
It is not recommended to use personal information in your password as it can be guessed or discovered. People do make mistakes by adding birthplace, dates, and names to their passwords.
Similarly, while creating an online account and setting security questions and answers, pick options that are hard to find from your existing social network profiles.
"Strike Out Personal Details From Passwords To Eliminate Hackers"

Final Words

In this digital era, cyber strikes are common. So you have to be very much serious about your password’s strength and complexity. Before setting up a strong password one must consider the above techniques to eradicate hackers.
VTPL always believes in delivering the latest technologies to safeguard the integrity of our valuable readers and clients. If you have any queries or suggestions do let us know in the comment section below.

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